Provide to the Needy

With the government lockdown order and inadequate state provisions for food distribution, several families are sleeping hungry -- in their homes, stranded at railway stations or state borders. It becomes our responsibilty to uplift the weaker sections of the society.

MCKS Food for Hungry Foundation
MCKS Food for the Hungry

MCKS Food for the Hungry Foundation a non-profit organisation based in New Delhi. The team’s mission is simple - no one should have to sleep hungry. Over the last 15 years, they have delivered more than 1,00,00,000 meals to those in need, in partnership with authorities across the country with over 20+ feeding programs.

We Exist Foundation
Give India

Give India is a non profit organisation in India. It is an online donation platform and aims to channel and provide resources to credible non-governmental organisations across India. They are raising funds for two COVID19 programmes at the moment.

People for Animals
Uttishtha Foundation

The Uttishtha Foundation contributed in the field of education through dissemination of scholarships to the students of government schools. They are are trying to procure test kits for COVID19 and utilise them in hard to reach rural areas and providing meals to the migrated workers.

Compassion Unlimited Plus Action (CUPA)
Uday Foundation

The Uday Foundation responds to natural or man-made disasters, with principal response efforts focused on food, shelter, water, health and sanitation. In the current Coronavirus outbreak, their main aim is to assist self- quarantine, provide support and access to medical care to the homeless with lack of ability.

The Modern Mowgli
YUVA organisation

Youth for Voluntary and Voluntary Action has been giving food to the slum dwellers and needy individuals amid coronavirus outbreak. They conducted a survey recently and identified households which are in desperate need of help -- like families of icecream walas, garland makers, waste collectors etc.

Nature Club Surat
Clothes Box Foundation

The organisation has launched an initiative to distribute food grains and sanitar kits to those who are worst hit by Covid-19 loackdown. Eash relief kit to consisit of soap, masks, rice and dal.

Nature Club Surat
Yein Udaan

It is carrying out Covid-19 relief work and have successfully provided grocery kits with essential food items to 500 Transwomen and 900 daily wage earners along with their families in the first week of lockdown. They have additionally acquired 20,000 kits to benefit 80,000 people over the next four weeks.

Nature Club Surat
Rasoi on Wheels

Rasoi on Wheels is a mobile kitchen service that is providing packed meal boxes which are served to the less privileged section of our society. For the Covid-19 crisis, the foundation is working closely with groups and organizations to provide cooked meals and dry rations to daily wage labourers and to the less privileged in Delhi-NCR.