About Us

Where To Donate is a website dedicated to promote some non-profit organizations working to ensure that essential services and healthcare are accessible to everyone. We are currently focusing on bringing the organizations which work on supporting underprivileged households, supplying food to stray animals and providing hygiene kits and survival kits to the health – care warriors fighting against the COVID-19 pandemic. Our platform has categorized the charitable organizations based on the focus of their work: Provide to the Needy– Feed the Underprivileged – Support who Strive

About Provide

The Corona pandemic has caused panic among the migrant workers and daily wage labourers, with many getting immediately unemployed and penniless following the nation-wide lockdown. Worst of all, many are now homeless due to not being able to travel back to their native places.

About Feed

In times of havoc, animals are conveniently ignored in the wake of crises like the current Corona situation. Many stray animals are left to starve without any food and without any human intervention; these animals are left to die.

About Support

When the lockdown was imposed, many industries came to a halt and the access to hygiene and medical care to the less privileged had become a significant issue. The NGOs covered under this program provide various services; from supplying PPE kits for the frontline workers to distributing sanitary napkins for women during the crisis. Their work also includes reaching out to vulnerable, besides supporting the elderly and children.

About the Developer

Mohammed Ashfaq is a senior year Engineering student, coding enthusiast, gamer, desi food-lover and a proud pet owner. He opines that one should contribute to the society they belong to.
During the COVID-19 crisis, he decided to support the non-profit organizations which serve first-hand for the country and searched for the same, but in the whole process, realized how much time consuming the process was. While the charities were working in or around cities, very little is known of them. He then realized the need for a platform such as Where To Donate which encapsulates the details of trust-worthy organizations and redirects the users directly to their work.